The most common types of venoms are:

    • Bee
    • Yellow or white jackets
    • Hornet
    • Wasp

Venom skin testing is the preferred method for determining allergies to insect stings. Our board-certified allergists will prick the skin on the arm with an applicator containing a small amount of extracted venom from the insect. An allergic reaction will cause redness, irritation, or swelling. The area may itch with the bump that looks like a mosquito bite. Sometimes, we also need to do a blood test to clinically compare results.

As board-certified allergists, we know how to provide a controlled setting. Our care providers are present throughout the test to monitor tolerance and treat any emerging problems. A wait period ensues after interacting with the suspected allergen to both observe reactions and ensure patient safety. Results and treatment plans are discussed at the conclusion of the challenge.

If more than one venom is being tested, time is allowed between skin applications for accurate interpretation of the results.

If allergic to venom, depending on severity, we may prescribe:

    • Immunotherapy
    • An epinephrine shot to keep handy at all times in case of emergency.

A couple of suggestions when having an allergy skin test:

    • Allow 2 – 3 hours for the test, wait period, and discussion of results.
    • Do not take antihistamines for at least 4 days prior to testing. Antihistamines can interfere with the results. Click HERE for a partial list.
Kansas City Allergy & Asthma - Venom Test

Kansas City Allergy & Asthma
Daily Pollen & Mold Count

Kansas City Allergy & Asthma Daily Pollen and Mold Count

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